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Design of PID Controller for First and Second order System


  1. I J Nagarath and M.Gopal, Control systems Engineering, New age international publication, 6th Edition, 2017.

  2. Farid Golnaraghi, Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, McGraw-Hill Professional, 10th Edition, 2017.

  3. Katsuhiko Ogata,Modern control engineering, Pearson publication, 5th Edition, 2017.

  4. Stefani, shahian, savant, Hostetter, Design of Feedback control systems, Oxford university press, 4th Edition,2014.

  5. K.P.Ramachandran, Control Engineering, Wilky India Private Limited,1st Edition,2011.

  6. Graham C.Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe, Mario E. Salgado, Control system design ,Pearson Education, 2nd Edition,2001.

  7. B.S.Manke, Control System Design, Khanna publisher, 5th Edition, 2014

We Acknowledge NITK and PALS for extending their support towards successful completion of this experiment