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Control Engineering Lab


The Virtual Labs Project started as an initiative from the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) to create online interactive media which would help students learn difficult concepts in various domains. As a part of this initiative, a virtual laboratory for Control Engineering Lab has been developed. The objective of this lab is to perform experiments in the Control Engineering Lab labs virtually, and yet have close to real life experience. The platform is focused on learning aspects as much as on performing the experiments.

Virtual Labs for Teachers

Virtual Labs has the potential to bring paradigm shift in the way courses are taught today.For example, the teachers can take it to the class and demonstrate live examples while they are teaching difficult concepts to the students. Many difficult concepts are already integrated in the provided course i curriculum. It can also complement the existing labs, wherein the students can be given assignments before or after the lab. The teacher can actively coordinate that effort to enable inclusive learning for all the students.

Copyright © Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur
PALS-VLAB initiative, in collaboration with NITK as Technology Partner