Number of buses |
A bus is a junction (or node) where a line or several lines are connected and may also include several components such as loads and generators in a power system network |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Number of PV buses (including slack bus) |
Number of PV buses present in the network. Where, the PV bus is also known as generator bus, voltage-controlled bus, represents the generator stations found in a power system network |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Number of PQ buses |
Number of PQ buses present in the network. Where, the PQ bus is also known as load bus, represents the real and reactive power consumed in a power system network |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Number of transmission lines |
Number of transmission line present in the network. Where, a transmission line used to transmit electric power over relatively long distances, usually from a central generating station to main substations |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Number of transformers |
Number of transformer present in the network. Where, a transformer is an electrical equipment that transfers electric power from one circuit to another circuit without changing the frequency |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Id of slack bus |
Identification number of the slack bus to be entered. Where, slack bus is a reference bus or swing bus |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Maximum number of iterations |
Iteration is the repetition of a process in order to generate an outcome. Each repetition of the process is a single iteration, and the outcome of each iteration is then the starting point of the next iteration |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Convergence tolerance for voltage difference in per unit |
Convergence is the state when all buses have met the mismatch tolerance. In this method the voltage updates one bus at a time until all buses are within the mismatch tolerance |
0.0001 p.u. to 0.001 p.u. |
Base MVA |
Base Mega Volt Ampere |
100 to 600 MVA |
Acceleration factor |
An acceleration factor is a value that can be used to speed up the convergence and reduce the number of required iteration in a Gauss Seidel method of power flow analysis |
1.1 to 2 (Recommended value of the acceleration factor is 1.6) |
Id number of the bus |
Identification number of the bus |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Active power generated in MW |
It is the three phase Active power generated by the Synchronous Generator and it is measured in megawatts (MW) |
0 W to 1000 MW (but not restricted) |
Reactive power generated in MVAR |
It is the three phase Reactive power generated by the Synchronous Generator and it is measured in megavolt ampere (MVAR) |
0 VAR to 1000 MVAR (but not restricted) |
Upper limit of reactive power in MVAR |
The maximum capacity of reactive power generation by the Synchronous Generator |
0 VAR to 1000 MVAR (but not restricted) |
Lower limit of reactive power in MVAR |
The minimum capacity of reactive power absorption by the Synchronous Generator |
-1000 VAR to 0 MVAR (but not restricted) |
Voltage magnitude in p.u. |
The magnitude of the voltage at the bus in per unit |
0.9 p.u. to 1.05 p.u. (but not restricted) |
Angle of voltage (only for slack bus / bus with the slack Id selected in previous step) |
The angle of the voltage at the bus in degrees |
-90 degrees to 90 degrees |
Id number of the bus |
Identification number of the bus |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Active power demand |
It is the three phase Active power consumed by the load and it is measured in megawatts (MW) |
0 W to 1000 MW (but not restricted) |
Reactive power demand |
It is the three phase Reactive power consumed by the load and it is measured in megavolt ampere (MVAR) |
0 VAR to 1000 MVAR (but not restricted) |
Flat voltage magnitude in p.u |
Flat voltage profile for load bus (in order to perform the power flow analysis, the voltage magnitude is initially assumed as 1 p.u.) |
0 VAR to 1000 MVAR (but not restricted) |
Angle of voltage |
The angle of the voltage at load bus in degree. (in order to perform the power flow analysis, the phase angle of voltage is initially assumed as 0 degree) |
0 degree |
Id number of the line |
The identification number to indicate the transmission line |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Id number of the sending end bus of the line |
The identification number to indicate the sending end bus of the transmission line |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Id number of the receiving end bus of the line |
The identification number to indicate the receiving end bus of the transmission line |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Resistance of the line in p.u |
The resistance of the transmission line in per unit quantities |
0 p.u. to 2 p.u. (but not restricted) |
Reactance of the line in p.u. |
The reactance of the transmission line in per unit quantities |
0.0001 p.u. to 2 p.u. (but not restricted) |
Half-line charging susceptance in p.u |
The half-line charging susceptance of the transmission line in per unit quantities |
0 p.u. to 0.5 p.u. (but not restricted) |
Id number of the transformer |
The identification number to indicate the transformer |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Id number of the sending end bus of the transformer |
The identification number to indicate the sending end bus of the transformer |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Id number of the receiving end bus of the transformer |
The identification number to indicate the receiving end bus of the transformer |
1 to 100 (but not restricted) |
Resistance of the transformer in p.u |
The resistance of the transformer in per unit quantities |
0 p.u. to 2 p.u. (but not restricted) |
Reactance of the transformer in p.u |
The reactance of the transformer in per unit quantities |
0.0001 p.u. to 2 p.u. (but not restricted) |
Off nominal tap ratio |
The off-nominal tap ratio of the transformer in per unit quantities. This ratio determines the additional transformation relative to the nominal transformer |
0.1 to 2 (but not restricted) |